If you have a high-energy extrovert in your life and you are NOT one, it can be difficult to find them the perfect gift. But don’t worry! We’ve asked the extroverts and we have the inside scoop on what they would love most as a gift. Here are our top picks for gifts for your extroverted family member this holiday season.

(SPOILERS: They love experiences!!):

Wondering which of the 8 awesome personality animals you or your child is? Take our free personality quiz for kids here!

Without further adieu here are our top 5 gift ideas for the extrovert personality in your house or school.

(note: page contains affiliate links.. you buying this cool stuff helps keep our personality quiz FREE!)

#1: A Road Trip

A road trip is a great gift idea for the extrovert who wants to see all the cool stuff there is in life. Having someone along on an adventure makes them feel more alive and fulfilled, so planning out a road trip is the best thing for their outgoing personality type. Spending the day exploring somewhere new (WITH YOU!) will be an unforgettable experience they’ll treasure forever. Not sure where they want to go? Try asking in a creative way so they don’t find out!

#2: A Trip to the Local Arcade

An arcade is a great place for an extrovert. All the noise and excitement will have them feeling excited and they’ll love meeting new people while playing their favorite games! It’s also a super fun way to spend time with friends or family, making it an ideal gift choice this holiday season. It’s fun for everyone when your kids beat you at air hockey! Or maybe just fun for them?

#3: A New Outfit

A new outfit is a perfect gift for an extrovert. Everyone loves shopping, especially when they’re buying something that shows their personality off to everyone! You can either pick out a fun outfit for your extroverted friend, or you can get them a gift card and plan a shopping date with them. They’ll love the quality time and the chance to get new clothes!

#4 : A Scooter

A scooter is the ideal present for a kiddo with an outgoing personality who enjoys speeding around their block. With all of the speed and power you could ever want, this will make them feel like they’re flying through city streets!

Our kid’s have so many scooters but this one has been my favorite so far:

#5: A Camera

A camera is a great gift for the extrovert in your life who loves to capture memories. This way, they can photograph all of their adventures and share them with everyone! They’ll love sharing these photos with you when they get home from trips or parties throughout the year. Or they could even use it to get their friends together and make a fun movie! Kids of all personality types can love that activity!

Depending on your budget, here are a few options I would suggest:

Low Budget:

Mid Budget:

Big Budget (I actually bought this one and can attest that its great for kids. Easy to use and gives really stable footage):