
We think your kiddo is an...

Your young kiddo's brain is still developing so we can't know the full span of their personality preferences. Howevever, at around 18 mos, we can distinguish whether or not your kiddo has a preference for introversion or extraversion aaaaand it seems like you have a little introvert in your hands!

We can't figure out their information processing and decision-making preferences until 5-7 years old, when they start school. Until then, your little introvert will likely grow to be one of these personality animals - Meerkat, Beaver, Panda or Owl. 

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Curious yet cautious 

Sensitive to loud & Busy environments

Absorbed in solo play

Introverted littles tend to observe first before participating. They prefer to figure out what's going on and like to know what to expect before jumping in and participating.

If your kiddos hangs out on the edges of the activity, don't force them to go play. Unlike extraverts, they think about things before taking action.  Allow them to observe until they feel comfortable. Introverted kiddos tend to be more cautious, especially in new situations. 

Tip: you can help them feel more comfortable in new situations by demonstrating the activity and showing them that it is safe to engage.   

Introverted littles are typically highly sensitive to their surroundings and can quickly become overwhelmed when there is too much chaos or noise.

They are easily drained by stimulation of crowds, busy environments, new people or situations and may be exhausted or "shut down" afterwards. If meltdowns occur after such experiences, refrain from reacting to their big behaviors. They aren't trying to give you a hard time, they are having a hard time. It's important that you remain clam so they can also calm. 

Tip: with big behaviors, meet their need for calm by practicing deep breaths together, play calm music, read a book or shake and watch a sensory bottle. 

Introverted kiddos have a strong imagination and rich inner world that is very much real to them. They feel perfectly content in their own little world of make believe. 

If your little spends hours lost in their own world and is focused on a certain activity or toy, encourage that type of play. This is their brain learning!

Tip: join them in their world and play "pretend" even if it's 10 minutes per day. Remember you are entering their world; become a student of your little. Put your phone away, make eye contact, have a playful ton of voice, and match their behavior. Make sure it is child led - no teaching, no questioning, and no instructing. This is connecting through play and always fills your kiddo's love tank!

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How to Know & Love your Little Introvert...

Introverts gain energy from their inner world (meaning what's going on inside their head.) They primarily focus on their inner world of imagination and prefer less outside stimulation. They enjoy the quiet and can usually play by themselves for long periods of time without getting bored. 

I am an extrovert and my Know and Love animal type is an Elephant! I love out loud and deeply care about helping meet the needs of kiddo's. I am a Family Type Practitioner and am on this earth to help parents develop positive relationships with their kiddos so that the next generation of world changers feels seen, heard, known and loved. Most days you can find me eating tacos and saying yes to my four kiddos as much as I can. 

So why does knowing whether my kiddo has a preference for introversion or extraversion even matter? Well, I believe when parents accept, foster, accommodate, and work with the child's natural personality, it builds positive interactions. This nurtures a healthy relationship, positive self-esteem, and feelings of belonging. And at the end of the day, that's what all humans desire - to belong. To be known, loved, and accepted for who we are

Hey There!

Before we go any further, I just wanted to introduce myself. 

90% of your kiddo's brain growth happens before they start Kindergarten - every experience they encounter, their brain is literally changing shape and size. The quality of their experiences in the first few years of life – whether positive or negative – helps shape how their brain develops. 

It is my goal to help parents of young kiddos develop positive connections, which make a lasting imprint.  God created our kiddos with a unique way of being, and I believe it is our job as parents to nurture, develop and respect what God has already instilled in them.

I'm so glad we're on this journey together of knowing and loving our littles! Let's be friends!

I'm Kara Lackey

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I am a busy mom too and hate unnecessary marketing emails just as much as you do!
That's why I only sends quick, digestible nuggets of helpful, personality-related tips specific to your family dynamic!


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